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- What is a Provider in WB Copy Trading?
- What is WB Copy Trading?
- How do I become a WB Copy Trading Follower?
- How do I become a WB Copy Trading Provider?
- Is there a minimum balance requirement for me to start copying a Provider?
- Is there a minimum deposit requirement to set up a Provider account with WB Copy Trading?
- How is the Performance Fee paid out to Providers, and withdrawn from Followers?
- Are my trades executed at the same time as the Provider?
- Is copy trading available in my region?
- Can anyone become a WB Copy Trading Provider?
- Is there a limit of Followers that a Provider can have?
- Can I offer more than one strategy at the same time?
- What happens to my open positions if I unsubscribe from a Provider?
- How do I stop copying a Provider?
- What is a Subscription in WB Copy Trading?
- Can I apply to be a Provider and a Follower?
- How do I get featured on the Ratings Page?
- How are Providers compensated for their strategies?
- How long does it take for trades to be executed in my account once I copy someone?
- Can I copy different Strategy Providers?
- Can I enable an existing MT4 account to become a WB Copy Trading Provider?
- How often does the Ratings Page refresh to show my latest trading results?
- How is the Performance Fee calculated?
- Is Copy Trading free?
- How do I start copying a Provider?
- How do I activate or suspend a subscription?
- How can users follow my trading strategy?
- Can I control the volume size of the positions executed by the Provider?
- Can I copy the open trading positions of a Provider once I activate my subscription?
- What is a Follower in WB Copy Trading?